Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Night watch

I was on-call for the Maternity Unit last night.

The midwives tend to watch movies in the coffee room to stay awake when there's nothing going on.

At 5am, after I did an epidural, I popped in and saw which DVDs they'd been watching: The Omen, Constantine & Rosemary's Baby.

Obviously I'm not saying midwives are devil-worshippers.

I'll leave you to decide...


At October 14, 2006 8:11 AM, Blogger Jon Delaunt said...

Midwives are scary. Although occasionally good fun. My crewmate and I took one (and her student) on a SCBU transfer. When we'd left the pt, it was a good 90 mins before we left the coffee shop. And we got their phone numbers.


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