Friday, October 27, 2006

ICU Baby

I've been working pretty much non-stop on Intensive Care this week (eg 6pm to 10am yesterday) and lots has been going on.

Most importantly, going back to my post about organ donation, I got a wonderful letter today from the transplant team telling me who has benefitted from receiving my patient's donated organs. It was all anonymous, but along the lines of "Her liver went to a 35 year-old father of two who had such-and-such disease". It's heartening to know that at least some good can come from a tragic death.

Other things:
- Yesterday I got to ride in an ambulance transferring a patient to another hospital (they even put the siren on! Woo!)

- I learnt that one of my colleagues is pregnant (Phew - I was worried that she was putting on weight really quickly; not good if you're job is the nutrition specialist)

- I had to miss the staff Hallowe'en party last night cos I was at work, so to make up for it I went round the Intensive Care Unit putting hats & costumes on all the people in a coma *

- One patient got so confused after his operation that he was convinced he was on a film set being experimented on and refused to let anyone near him to look after him... so they called muggins here to help out. How do you negotiate with someone like that? I suggested blowdarts but they wouldn't let me...spoilsports...

- There was a very uncomfortable moment when one of the nurses told me she was "yawning" and I thought she'd said "horny"...

Anyway I'm in the middle of moving house, surrounded by boxes & I can hear ringing from somewhere...

- S -

* Of course I didn't bloody do that, but I nearly choked when someone else suggested it! I mean, the patients wouldn't know, right...?


At October 30, 2006 3:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading your post on organ donation I added myself to the register, so there!

Glad to know I'm not the only one good at making awkward moments happen by mishearing someone.

Good luck with your move, I can sympathise, I've begun packing everything for my own move tomorrow and now I can't find anything!!


At November 01, 2006 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Suman,

Will you be my friend please? Cheers for your comments on my blog. I have been reading yours on the sly for a while.

Little bit to make your head swell... I've been aware of you and you transplants for ages. The songs are ace! And I've had some interactions with Adam in Mornington Crescent, did he tell you he hangs out there sometimes?

I've not taken the primary yet. Sigh. Imagine though I'll be doing it at least once. I used to blog about work, but that's another story alltogether....


At November 21, 2006 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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