Monday, December 04, 2006


I just told Sarah I'm a bit worried about passing tomorrow's exam.

"According to Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum theory" she says, "you will both pass and fail, and you won't know which until you open the results envelope."


Go and see The Prestige .
It's an amazing, extraordinary film.

(But it might inspire your girlfriend to talk bollocks.)


At December 05, 2006 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck Suman- I'm sure you'll be fine (at least I hope so!).

At least this time round, you didn't have me bugging you when you were trying to revise (at least not as much).

At December 05, 2006 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that Schrodinger's cat? You know, you can bury a cat in a box without airholes but you won't know for sure if it's dead until you dig it up and check. (A purely hypothetical theory, especially if you have the type of neighbours only too keen for an excuse to report you to the RSPCA).

Good luck anyway :-)

At December 05, 2006 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, how was it for you?

I sat it in Manchester. Left an hour before then end. Answered some questions I knew the answers to and quite a lot I didn't.

I see it as a service to others, bringing the average down so they can pass.

Good luck!

At December 05, 2006 9:25 PM, Blogger Suman said...

Well... it doesn't get any easier 4th time round!

I keep falling at the last hurdle, the Pharm/Phys viva - up until now all the other sections have been fine, it's just a pain having to take them all again.

But today's paper wasn't brilliant -I still left out about 75 of the 450 answers.

Don't be disheartened Liz (et al.), it's hard to tell at this stage, just cross your fingers & wait for next Friday...

And enjoy the outside world again - apparently it's Christmas soon...

At December 05, 2006 11:13 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

A wise registrar once told me no good doctor passes first time

wise registrar - now theres an oxymoron...

At December 06, 2006 4:19 AM, Blogger Dr Dork said...

If you open the envelope, are you not affecting the outcome by the very process of observation?

Good luck.

At December 06, 2006 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well Dr Biswas,

An optimist sees a glass of water have full,
A pessimist sees a glass of water half empty,
And an opportunist will see a chnace to quench their thirst.

That, is what my first boss told me. He was a student doctor that 'served' me when i was five. now he's my boss =(

he always had those pencils that had the timestable written all over them. i believe you should purchase one of them.


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