Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fire works

I went to a Firework display on Sunday
(or "fire bombs" as Mum calls them - bless her) .

Hundreds of people were there at Edgbaston Cricket Ground; it was hosted by a local radio station so we all had to sit and listen to DJ banter and watch a couple of live R&B acts & a dance display and then join in several Mexican waves before they finally let us see some bloody fireworks, over an hour later.

The organisers had, however, made one crucial error.

They'd sat us so that we filled one half of the oval-shaped stadium - fair enough, we could all see the music stage & the big screens. Unfortunately, some clever-head had forgotten that to truly appreciate a fireworks display, it's nice, nay essential, to be able to see the fireworks in the sky.

And half of the audience had a roof above their heads.

Well done. No really, genius.

(We figured this out early enough & went to stand elsewhere - but duh!)


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