Sunday, November 19, 2006

Good week, Bad week...

Lots has been happening this week - here's a summary (of what I can remember):

GOOD: Won the annual Hospital Pub Quiz along with a bunch of other anaesthetists ("The Gas Board"). Six points for knowing the Noble Gases - thanks Tom Lehrer!

BAD(ish): Went to a club afterwards - sober - on a student night; there were people there who were literally half my age. And the "cheese" they played (which for me is stuff like Come On Eileen, Living on a Prayer, etc) was only a few years old like Firestarter. I'm getting old, man...

GOOD: Was included in an article in Hospital Doctor (a weekly medical newspaper) about comedian doctors, alongside Harry Hill, Graham Garden, Graham Chapman, etc... wonder if I can put that on my CV?

BAD: Finished moving house - now live 50 miles away from Sarah.

GOOD: Finished moving house - now live 50 miles away from Sarah
(only joking if you're reading this, honey!)

BAD: Finished moving house - now I can't find anything because I don't know which box /bag any of my stuff is in. Out of thirty dotted around the new flat.

GOOD: Finished moving house - now live 50 miles away from Birmingham.

BAD: One of my colleagues was badly electrocuted by some faulty medical equipment - they're OK now after a few days in hospital but it really shouldn't have happened in the first place.

BAD but also GOOD: Pipex have, after 3 weeks, STILL not sorted out my internet connection at my new place (so I'm typing this at 2am on a break on an Intensive Care night shift).
However, this has meant that I'm not spending so much time sitting at my computer - and I've rediscovered my CD collection - some CDs I haven't listened to in years, early REM & Mansun, old compilations, NME cover discs - fantastic!

BAD: I found out that I own a Betty Boo CD (it was second hand...) Lord, please forgive me...

BAD/GOOD: One of our young but terminally ill patients quickly got much worse & died. We try not to get too attached in this job, but even so, several of us were crying. His family were all with him though, and he didn't suffer. It still sucks though.

GOOD: Completely out of the blue, 4 different nurses/students have said really complimentary things to me this week - I don't think they're after anything... (but you can't be too sure)

That'll do. You lot have been a bit stingy on comments of late, so feel free to contribute (preferably something reasonably sensible, but you can only do your best!)


At November 19, 2006 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you always seem to cheer me up with your hilarious blogs (if thats actually purposeful...)
not too good though, as i am in hospital waiting for a leg operation listening to "snippets" and reading about what doctors secretly do behind the scenes...
keep up the good work. (my mums the only one who doesnt approve of me reading this 'rubbish'. even though she tells me not read stuff out, and then later shes says "oh really" when i finished reading it to her. *rolls eyes*
mums? who'd want them

At November 19, 2006 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Firestarter' is so not cheese and I'm only 20!

At November 19, 2006 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you actually read these comments suman? seeing as i wont write that you're fucking awesome, if you dont...

At November 19, 2006 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he must read them to know people have been stingy with them..or just look at the numbers.
I forgot you were an anaesthisiologist (it doesnt look right, but im not fussed) because I could have, in vEin (get it..) asked you about neostigmine, which I now hate 'cos I've just handed in an ADME report on..
Also, because you're one of the few doctors who I 'know', can you recommend a good anatomy book, my lectureers have been..less than helpful shall we say. Being positivr I'll say: Thanks in advance, Ed

At November 19, 2006 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I jsut realised why the word anaesthisiologist doesn't look right; it's anaesthetist. I'm an idiot

At November 19, 2006 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

50 miles is not far enough to escape the girlfriend roth, be afraid be very afraid

At November 19, 2006 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're doing pub quizzes without me? Traitor

At November 19, 2006 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want real cheese for your cd collection then may I suggest "The Hitman and her" - available now from all good retailers - just watched an advert for it as I wrote this!

At November 19, 2006 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I shouldn't comment now on principle- you comment whore! Especially as you have ignored email contact for the week, which may have now been explained after the whole shitex (pipex) fiasco.

I'm tired, I'm upset about my old ladies in rehab *must not get attached*. And despite saying I wouldn't comment, I have.

I'll think of something better so say later. And you owe me an email. Lucky you, I'm working lots all week so you can avoid me.

It ain't just girlfriend wrath to avoid, I think its all woman wrath.

Very long comment. Shut up now.


(just kidding, I'm not really mad).

At November 20, 2006 5:36 AM, Blogger Suman said...

It's 5am, I'm waiting for a patient's X-ray result - so what a pleasant surprise to find all your comments! Aw, you guys...

Well, I'd better introduce you all... starting halfway down, the third "anonymous" is my dear Sarah - I know this cos she can't spell "wrath" (or most other words). She also can't punctuate - her txts are a nightmare... (but quite fun to decipher) ;o)

"hutcho" is TV's own University Challenge legend, Dr Imperial Hutchinson (think Napoleon Dynamite with a Bradford accent). And he's the world's tallest paediatrician - your patients must think you're Hagrid or something. And yes, you & I need to go a pub quiz together - to see who gets more competitive!

"bitch" is Amateur Transplants's number one stalker (I believe Adam's issued a court order) - but she's also my number one commenter so moving on...

The rest of you, welcome! I probably don't know you personally but seeing as we're having a party anyway, let's mingle...

"anon" #1, I'm glad the tragedies of my daily life cheer you up - I hope your leg operation goes wrong and the surgeon has to fit you with wheels off an old Asda trolley. Not really, good luck - and remember to be nice to your anaesthetist! (tell the truth, don't be a Mr Burton...)

And you read my blog out loud to your Mum, eh...? I might write a post especially to put you in a *really* awkward situation...heh heh heh...

"anon" #2 - no, Firestarter is a wicked tune. But it's not old enough to be a classic, just a brilliant song that doesn't get played on the radio much any more.

"hel" you seem to have set yourself up for an existential paradox: I do read these comments, yet you've already written that I'm fucking awesome. Discuss.

"ed" - just because you 'know' me doesn't mean that I know you - your CD player isn't quite advanced to work in the other direction.
More info needed - what do you want an anatomy book for? Some are good for facts, some for diagrams, etc... eg. I'd recommend Gray's if you fancy doing some colouring-in.

"dr onion" thank you - just seen the tracklisting for "The Hitman & Her" CD and now I know what I want for Xmas!

Oop - X-ray's done
And she's going to...


That's a relief. Less paperwork for me.

Laters potaters x

At November 20, 2006 3:20 PM, Blogger bulc said...

Your blog is top class, even though the IT Nazis (am I allowed to say that?) at work have banned access to suchnon-professional things! Keep up the good work.

Can you tell Adam to sort his blog out!


At November 20, 2006 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello dear brother,

Uselessly still don't know ur email address, so this is prob the best way to get hold of you (and bored at work). Saw M & P yesterday - Crimbo in Cheltenham? Not game at all, unless we get there Christmas afternoon and leave in the evening.

Your thoughts? Feel free to publish my name if this is taking up valuable "web" space. Web Loser...

Stop watching Scrubs and do some work.

At November 20, 2006 4:18 PM, Blogger Dr James Shorthouse said...

Nurses and students saying complimentary things about you - none of them from the North I presume!!

At November 20, 2006 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"none of them from the North I presume!!"

Nah, they haven't learned to type up there yet ;O)

At November 20, 2006 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not amused.

I'd be very afraid if I were you.

Especially you know that my last comment to you about Adam was "arrogant" and "cock".

Ps. You never comment on my blog either, yet demand attention on your own one!

The cheek!

At November 20, 2006 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See you have lots of blog comments, you're not a total loser. And the nurses only like you coz you feed them wrath has subsided

At November 20, 2006 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my operation went okay thank you very much.

""anon" #1, I'm glad the tragedies of my daily life cheer you up - I hope your leg operation goes wrong and the surgeon has to fit you with wheels off an old Asda trolley. Not really, good luck - and remember to be nice to your anaesthetist! (tell the truth, don't be a Mr Burton...)"

but now i'm on crutches, and the first thing that happened when i tried to walk on them, the nurse took them off me to show me 'how to use them properly' went up to the doctor-dude whose name i dont know (so i call him fred) and hit him round the shins with them.

Beware of nurses Suman. they can be evil sometimes.

PS.The doctor-dude now sits in the chair beside me armed with his own set of crutches...

At November 20, 2006 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I had the best fun ever when I got crutches when I broke myself (I did something odd to my knee!)

They wouldn't let me leave the hospital until I could walk on them. But I was laughing too hard to do it.

Rock and hard place. I made it out eventually.

One thing I learnt- its near on impossible to do ANYTHING when hobbling around with two sticks.And was also a source of great amusement to my friends who stole them and had fights with them.


At November 20, 2006 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you sell the Betty Boo CD on eBay but slip an A.T. CD inside the case too?

At November 21, 2006 1:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its understandable becoming attached to patients. i was in hospital for six months and the staff and i all became very close.

firestarter is not cheese. it never can be

At November 21, 2006 5:49 AM, Blogger Suman said...

Can't help but get attached to some patients - one chap died recently after such a long battle - mainly against bad luck; things just kept going wrong for him, despite doing everything that we could. Very sad.

Then again, I once had a patient who was a model... (she got better far too quickly, dammit! No, no T.U.B.E.'s...)

At November 22, 2006 7:59 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

As an HDU/ITU nurse, can I burst your bubble by saying we are only nice when we want something..

..but doughnuts do help as do taking your turn to make the coffee

On a completely different subject I introduced my colleagues to your songs. Unfortunately we were on the computer on the unit so turned it down low and took it in turns to sit under the desk with our ears against the speaker - but that honestly wasn't the reason the guy in bed 1 managed to extubate himself without anyone noticing

At November 22, 2006 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Why don't you sell the Betty Boo CD on eBay but slip an A.T. CD inside the case too?"

He'd probably have more luck selling the Amateur Transplants CD with Betty Boo slipped inside :p

At November 24, 2006 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Suman. I didnt know u were an *checks how to spell it* anaesthetist, what a cool job, then again a bit hair raising at times i expect. Atleast ur not a GP, i don't like them!

ps. if you think what argos sells in strange, go look in asda and see what you can pick up with ur bananna's!!!

At January 13, 2009 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys are so cool i got unfit to practise and laughed my arse off


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