mmm... Grapes
So I wanted to write something hilarious today about the lectures I've been to on my revision course & about taking the Tube every day and being a student again... but I'm too drunk. Sorry.
Normal service will resume soon.
Suman has something to say... or will do soon... any moment now...
Students... pfft..
If you're a student, why don't you email yourself asking when the next Uni gig will be..........
shouldn't you pass the exam first and THEN get drunk?
That Tory Lord on the news recently had strong words about nurses.
Because if you're a patient and you're lying in a bed, and you're being nursed from either side, they talk across you as if you're not there. So I know exactly what they got up to the night before, and how much they drank, and I know exactly what they were planning to do the next night, and I can tell you, it's pretty horrifying.
Maybe he confused nurses with docs? ;)
surely being drunk is an integral part of being a student...? well it is for me, anyhow! :)
Integral? Sadly 18 years later it is differential.
Did you know your Drugs-Song was a part of "Navy CIS"?
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