Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas, Post-

So Christmas has come & gone; on-call for Maternity went well (ie. no-one insisted on calling their child "Jesus")

And for once, the traditional present-swapping fiasco was fairly successful all round.

I got:
- 9 books (7 humour, 1 serious and 1 Edward Monkton, ie both)
- several horrific stripy shirts (well done Mum for keeping the receipts)
- some very smart clothes from my bro (who got a cooking set from me - each of us looking after the others' area of deficiency)
- a Groove Glove, from one of my Consultants (I don't know which is more disturbing, that he thought it would be suitable for me or that I love it!)

The presents I bought were well received too (I got my brother a signed print from the excellent cartoon site Perry Bible Fellowship and I got Adam a Dance Dance Revolution game & mat for his PC.)

But Mum outdid us all by getting Sarah one of these incredible bags (makes up for the autobiography of Mother Theresa that Mum got me a few years back.)

Most importantly we all had several relaxed, quality family days together.

But sod that; next step - buy everything in THE SALES!!
(My brother & I have already spent 3 hours in Fopp earlier this week! Woohoo!)


At December 30, 2006 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

brilliant =]

i want one of those bags!!!

Have a good new year suman! =]

At December 30, 2006 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Presents, such as the pbf print, are notoriously "well received" if you request them yourself, after experiencing several years of shoddy 'panic-buy' merchandise passing through your hands on Christmas morn...

At December 31, 2006 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm curious as to the reason your consultant bought you a Christmas present at all. Tell the truth, Suman. Oh, and I'm still waiting for my birthday present...

At January 01, 2007 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite present, which has been a marvellous source of amusement ever since christmas eve- (yeah I was naughty!), is my medical dictionary.

Hehe...can you guess which words we looked up first?


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